Do you wish to improve the appearance of your teeth by getting them straightened? Are you looking to do this discreetly without the need of heavy metal brackets or potentially wires and metal parts? Dramatically improve your oral health with Invisalign® aligners.
Thanks to their patented design, Invisalign aligners can remove the dreaded dietary restrictions that traditional braces have. The reason this is possible is because Invisalign aligners are easily removable. Before eating any meals, Invisalign aligners can be popped out of place and set aside until they are needed once more after your meal is finished, or after brushing and flossing your teeth.
Thanks to their metal-free design, they can blend well with your smile and not be distracting to co-workers, peers, and family when talking to you or the poking of your cheeks and tongue. They are fully customizable and can be replaced and upgraded at any time to continue your orthodontic treatment.
If you would like to schedule your Invisalign exam at Gronberg Orthodontics or would like a comprehensive orthodontic exam from Dr. Kimberly Gronberg and our team at our dentist office in Highland Village, Texas, please give us a call at 972-966-2326. Thanks for visiting with a smile!