IF YOU COULD HAVE any superpower, what would it be? Would you choose super strength? How about the power of flight? Maybe you’d like the ability to see through solid objects! Although super strength and flight may not come too easily, you don’t have to search far for x-ray vision (in a manner of speaking)! Today, we want to share... read more »
WE’VE MENTIONED IT TIME AND TIME AGAIN … Flossing is an essential part of good oral hygiene. Many people don’t see the need for flossing when they already brush their teeth; others simply hate the task. We understand that it can be tedious! But as your trusted dental professionals, we want to assure you that flossing will greatly benefit your... read more »
IT IS A COMMON MISCONCEPTION to think that orthodontic treatment is simply for aesthetic purposes. In reality, having crooked teeth or a misaligned bite can have lasting effects on your oral health. So, what if you have an overbite? Fixing your overbite, or any kind of malocclusion for that matter, will not only beautify your smile, but it will also... read more »
TOOTH ENAMEL HAS the pretty cool reputation of being the hardest substance in the human body. So it may come as a surprise to know that while enamel is super tough, it can also break quite easily! The truth is that our teeth are not invincible, and a lot of everyday habits can put our oral health at risk. Watch... read more »
YOU’RE SITTING IN THE DENTAL CHAIR, everything going as planned at your checkup, until your dentist tells you that you have gingivitis. If you haven’t heard of gingivitis before you’re probably thinking, “What is gingivitis? Is it serious? Is it treatable?” We’ve compiled all the information you need to know about gingivitis so you can keep your smile healthy! What... read more »
WE LOVE getting to know our patients! Each time you come into our office, we’re grateful for the opportunity we have to learn more about you and what makes you smile. This week, we want to help you get to know us a little bit better too by introducing you to something we love: our pets! Get to Know Our... read more »
WE CAN ALL ADMIT that flossing isn’t always fun. That doesn’t mean we can skip this all-important task. Luckily, there’s a way to make flossing easier, faster, and more fun: the Waterpik® Water Flosser. Flossing Is Essential for a Healthy Mouth Did you know that if you don’t floss you miss cleaning 35 percent of the tooth surface in your... read more »
WHILE MANY THINK BRACES are for correcting misaligned adult teeth, you may be surprised to learn that orthodontics can help correct your child’s bite before their adult teeth even come in! Baby Teeth Play an Important Role in Oral Health Primary teeth—more commonly known as baby teeth—play a key role in your child’s oral health. Besides providing an aesthetic appeal... read more »
DRINKING ENERGY AND SPORTS DRINKS on a regular basis is becoming increasingly popular, especially among young people. But did you know that these drinks can be extremely damaging to your teeth? Sports and Energy Drinks Are Highly Acidic It’s important to remember the purposes of each of these drinks so as not to consume them more often than you should.... read more »
WHILE MOST PEOPLE HAVE thirty-two permanent teeth that develop (including the wisdom teeth) some people’s permanent teeth never grow in at all. These are called congenitally missing teeth—teeth missing from birth—and it’s actually more common than you think! So, what do you do if you find out you or your child have one or more congenitally missing teeth? Why Would... read more »