If you’re looking for a straighter smile without the appearance of traditional braces, Invisalign® might be right for you. Here are the steps you can take to get Invisalign clear aligners: Before they take images of your mouth and teeth, our orthodontists will consult with you about whether Invisalign is the right choice. If you feel together that Invisalign is... read more »
Do you wish to improve the appearance of your teeth by getting them straightened? Are you looking to do this discreetly without the need of heavy metal brackets or potentially wires and metal parts? Dramatically improve your oral health with Invisalign® aligners. Thanks to their patented design, Invisalign aligners can remove the dreaded dietary restrictions that traditional braces have. The... read more »
Did you know your dental cleaning and exam are vital for a smooth and convenient orthodontic journey? Well, it’s true! This is why you need to have a routine dental cleaning and exam with your dentist every six months. Because you have braces, your cleaning might be a little longer than usual—but not too much. To give you some more... read more »
Orthodontics are more readily available for adults than they have ever been before, but cosmetic reasons may not overrule oral health reasons. Here at Gronberg Orthodontics, we strive to provide the best dental care you need as well as the treatments you desire. Although more readily available, some of the issues you face in comparison to if you had ortho... read more »
What’s In That Drink? You probably already know that soda is chock full of sugar, but did you know that it’s also highly acidic? For reference, stomach acid, one of the strongest acids, has a pH of 1.5, whereas water is neutral at a pH of 7. Soda ranges in acidity from RC Cola with a pH of 2.387 to... read more »
OUR SMARTPHONES are never farther than an arm’s length away and help us do everything from track our calendars to track our calories. Today, we want to show you the wonders they can do for our daily hygiene routines with the help of these apps! Dental Expert We may only see you twice a year, but that doesn’t mean you... read more »
GETTING BRACES CAN BE VERY EXCITING! The promise of a beautiful, straight and healthy smile at the end of orthodontic treatment is more than worth the minor aches and pains that go along with achieving it. We understand, however, that you may have some more in-depth questions about undergoing treatment depending on your unique circumstances or lifestyle choices. This is... read more »
WE BELIEVE the more educated our patients are about dental health issues, the better they’ll be able to prevent them. We often warn of periodontal disease and the detrimental effects it has on the mouth and body. But there are also many common misconceptions about gum disease. To help you better understand it, we’ve decided to bust some myths today!... read more »
PREGNANCY AFFECTS NEARLY every aspect of your life–your lifestyle, your diet, your health, and much more! Your mouth is no exception to the changes your body may experience during pregnancy. But will pregnancy affect your orthodontic treatment? Be Aware Of These Things During Pregnancy If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, make sure to notify your orthodontist so... read more »
YOUR SMILE IS AN expression of who you are. It is that special thing that greets a friend, celebrates all of life’s joyful moments, and makes someone’s day that much brighter. We know how important your smile is to you and those around you. That’s why Dr Gronberg and Dr Davis are members of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO),... read more »